MicroBilt Consumer Affairs

Request your Consumer Report

MicroBilt and its wholly owned subsidiary, PRBC, maintain consumer databases and permit each consumer to obtain one free copy of their own consumer report in our databases per year, a free copy of their own consumer report in our databases upon each adverse action taken, which includes having an application for credit declined, and subsequent copies upon request.

To obtain a copy of your consumer report in our databases, please complete and sign the Consumer Report Request Form and return it to us via US Postal Service, or call us toll-free, and in each case provide all of the requested information and documentation. Note that you do not have to use our Form, as long as you provide all the information that is requested therein. Our Form is being provided as a convenience to you.

If you are not able to download the Form, you may call us toll-free or send a request in writing. In each case you must include: your full name, address, social security number, the previous addresses you have had in the past five years, and a clear copy of both sides of your Driver’s License or state identification card, or two alternative forms of identification, such as a copy of a recent (no less than 60 days old) cable, utility or phone bill, with a matching address of request, or a copy of your Social Security card, or a copy of your birth certificate, or a copy of your US passport (picture page only), or a copy of your voided consumer check with matching address of request, or a copy of your Alien Registration Card.

Contact us at:
  • MicroBilt / PRBC
  • Attn: Consumer Affairs Department
  • P.O. Box 440693
  • Kennesaw, GA 30160
  • Phone: 888-222-7621
  • Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 5:00PM ET

To obtain a free copy of your consumer credit report from one or more of the national consumer credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion), please visit www.annualcreditreport.com.

Dispute information on your Consumer Report

If you do not recognize the name of the company that requested your consumer report from MicroBilt, or the information contained within your consumer report, or believe the information contained within your consumer report may be inaccurate, or otherwise wish to dispute an inquiry on your credit file with MicroBilt, please complete and sign the Consumer Dispute Form and return it to us via US Postal Service, or call us toll-free, and in each case provide all of the requested information and documentation. Click here to download the Consumer Dispute Form. Note that you do not have to use our Form, as long as you provide all the information that is requested therein. Our Form is being provided as a convenience to you.

If you are not able to download the Form, please call us toll-free or submit a request to MicroBilt in writing to investigate, verify and/or correct any discrepancies. Note, however, that only inaccurate information may be removed from your credit report; negative information that is accurate will stay on your credit report as long as governing laws allow. In either case, please provide us with the following information:

  1. Your Full Name
  2. Other Name
  3. Full Address
  4. Home Phone
  5. Employer Name & Address
  6. Your Social Security Number
  7. Your Date of Birth
  8. Clear copy of your Driver’s License or state identification card or two alternative forms of identification
  9. Details as to what items you believe may be inaccurate
  10. Details as to why you believe items may be inaccurate
  11. Details as to the correct information you feel is accurate
  12. Documents supporting your dispute
  13. Other details or documents you believe will be helpful in our investigation
Contact us at:
  • MicroBilt / PRBC
  • Attn: Consumer Affairs Department
  • P.O. Box 440693
  • Kennesaw, GA 30160
  • Phone: 888-222-7621
  • Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 5:00PM ET

For questions concerning this process or for the status of a request previously submitted you may reach the Consumer Affairs Department toll-free at:

Phone: 888-222-7621 or 800-884-4747 option #5

Fax: 404-393-9512

State Consumer Rights / Security Freeze Information

As a consumer, and depending on the State of your residency, you may be able to request that a security freeze be placed on certain reports that MicroBilt / PRBC maintains about you. You may also subsequently release or lift a freeze at a later date. Depending on State provisions, these actions may require the payment of a fee.

Security freezes are designed to prevent a consumer reporting agency from releasing your consumer report without your consent. However, you should be aware that using a security freeze to take control over who is allowed access to the personal and financial information in your file may delay, interfere with or prohibit the timely approval of any subsequent request or application you make regarding a new loan, credit, mortgage, insurance, government services or payments, rental housing, employment, investment, license, cellular telephone, utilities, digital signature, Internet credit card transaction or other services, including an extension of credit at point of sale.

Generally, when you place a security freeze on your file, you will be provided a personal identification number or password to use if you choose to remove the security freeze from your file or authorize the temporary release of your consumer report for a specific person or period after the security freeze is in place. To provide that authorization, you must contact the consumer reporting agency and provide all the following:

  1. Sufficient documentation to verify your identity.
  2. The personal identification number or password previously provided to you by the consumer reporting agency, if any.
  3. If applicable, a statement that you choose to remove the security freeze from your file, or that you authorize the agency to temporarily release your consumer report. If you authorize the temporary release of your consumer report, you must name the person who is to receive your consumer report, or the period for which your consumer report must be available.

A security freeze generally does not apply to circumstances in which you have an existing account relationship, and a copy of your report is requested by your existing creditor or its agents or affiliates for certain types of account review, collection, fraud control or similar activities.

If you are actively seeking credit, you should understand that the procedures involved in lifting a security freeze may slow your own applications for credit. You should plan ahead and may want to lift a freeze, either completely if you are shopping around, or specifically for a certain creditor, a few days before actually applying for new credit.

If you want to view the State specific rights you have, or place a security freeze on your file, select the State in which you reside from the list below, follow the instructions, and provide the information required:

Please note that any security freeze that you request will apply to only those applicable reports that are created and maintained by MicroBilt / PRBC; we do not have the ability to add a security freeze to the file of any other agency. To add a security freeze to your credit file, you must contact the individual relevant credit reporting agency. The three national credit reporting agencies are: