The premiere alternative credit data platform.

Get the full picture of a consumers financial situation - see things traditional credit data doesn't reveal. PRBC is the nation's largest alternative credit dataset. Not only does it give lenders the ability to get a fuller picture of a consumer.

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PRBC Consumer Report

Provides a score based on predictive alternative credit data.

As America’s premiere alternative credit report on consumers, the PRBC Credit Report allows businesses to evaluate the relative risk, credit worthiness and ability to pay of applicants who trigger a ‘not hit’ or ‘thin file’ responses when a traditional credit report is requested.

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What does it do?

As a supplementary data set to traditional credit reports, The PRBC Credit Agency reports on and applicant’s payment habits as concerns other expenses and obligations in their lives including:

  • Rent
  • Utilities
  • Mobile phone accounts

The PRBC Consumer Report returns decision-critical information such as:

  • PRBC Score for alternative credit risk scoring
  • Alternative credit trade lines (i.e. rent, utilities, short term loans, etc.)
  • Banking inquiries
  • Positive and negative retail bank transaction items
  • Bank account closures
  • Bankruptcy, lien, judgment and eviction records
  • Real property ownership
  • Personal identifying information (i.e. SSN, DOB, DL number, aliases, phones)
  • Current and previous address history
  • Identity verification attributes

What is it used for?

About 100,000,000 Americans have little or no credit history on file with the traditional credit bureaus. Yet many of these people are responsible consumers with steady incomes. The PRBC Consumer Report allows businesses to pre-screen and evaluate often-overlooked potential customers. In doing so, your business can tap a huge potential market.

The PRBC Consumer Report is used by many industries including retail finance (furniture, jewelry), rent-to-own finance, buy-here-pay-here auto finance, tenant screening and residential service screening (security alarms, water delivery, etc.)

PRBC Credit Builder

Better predictive scoring for you. Better credit control for your customers.

PRBC Credit Builder is a complete consumer lending platform powered by the industry’s most comprehensive alternative credit database. Chances are you’re turning away credit-worthy customers. Millions of otherwise good customers have no traditional credit scores. They are often rejected outright. A missed opportunity for them and you.

Learn More About PRBC Credit Builder

What does it do?

PRBC Credit Builder uses a two-pronged approach to lending - combining our powerful database and algorithms with a website that allows consumers to contribute data we then verify. This gives your customer a sense of control and makes you look good to them, and regulators.

PRBC Credit Builder delivers four complimentary services in a single powerful product:

  • Fast, accurate and predictive alternative credit scores for loan origination.
  • An insightful consumer credit report and score for consumers.
  • A website that empowers customers to manage their score.
  • A dynamic online marketplace where customers can find your business.

What is it used for?

Alternative credit data fills the void for customers with no traditional credit tradelines. By using banking, utilities, mobile phones and subscription data PRBC Credit Builder can predict the likelihood that a customer will repay a loan.

Called “alternative credit data” these additional tradelines are so powerful that even the “Big Three” bureaus are investing. New to them, alternative credit data is something Microbilt has been working with for years. Our database is unsurpassed and with years to refine our algorithms PRBC Credit Builder delivers a true advantage in loan originations.

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