Merchant Services

A complete suite of data products for merchant services businesses.

For merchant services companies looking for smarter more efficient ways to manage credit checks and finance originations MicroBilt offers a series of data products designed to help grow your revenue while minimizing your risk exposure. MicroBilt customers can access all of our products through a single portal from any internet-connected computer. This puts incredible data and automated decisioning tools conveniently at your fingertips. Use MicroBilt products to help you:

Credit & Decisioning

Verify a customer’s identity, learn their credit history, and even get a credit score on individuals who might otherwise return a ‘no hit’ or thin file during a credit check.

Experian Equifax TransUnion
Experian Equifax TransUnion
PRBC Alternative Credit
PRBC Alternative Credit
Equifax Canada
Equifax Canada
Decision Table
Decision Table

Identity Verification

Get a glimpse into a consumer’s past financial deals, uncover any prior history of fraudulent activity and flag potential fraud risks before they impact your business.

ID Verify
ID Verify
ID Authenticate
ID Authenticate
Watchlist Search
Watchlist Search