Search and match strategies to help you uncover hard-to-find data.

Super Phone is a dynamic skip tracing tool that offers you complete control over the search process when attempting to locate phone numbers, addresses and associated individual or business names.

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What does it do?

Super Phone brings together the most diverse set of data available anywhere, allowing users to search records reported from telephone carriers (RBOCs/ILECs/CLECs), lenders and other financial institutions, third party payment processors, retailers, service providers and more.


  • More flexible search options using any combination of Phone Number, Address and/or Name, allowing users to view data any way they want based on user’s input search criteria.
  • Ability to search for Business phone records in addition to information on Individuals.
  • Enhanced intelligence built into search and match strategies to help uncover hard-to-find data.
  • Expanded access to landline, wireless, VoIP and other phones using multiple sources.
  • Valuable message alerts now delivered to provide greater insight and tips to other information.
  • Includes data directly reported from telephone carriers (RBOCs/ILECs/CLECs), lenders and other financial institutions, third party payment processors, retailers, service providers and more.
  • New and improved style sheet for results, including quick links to expanded search options.
  • Product is available online, batch and through XML/Web Services API.
  • Lower pricing to allow for more cost-effective usage.

What is it used for?

Super Phone offers a cost-effective, early stage skip tracing solution for companies performing collections and recovery, or may be used by other types of businesses that need to locate an individual’s current and active phone number and address.

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