Find key property information on an individual including ownership, mortgages, and addresses.

MicroBilt’s Property Search Report shows you property owned or recently sold by an individual. It can be searched based on an individual’s information or in reverse, based on a property address.

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What does it do?

The Property Search report allows you to search state and local databanks of deeds and assessments records and returns information such as:

  • Parcel number
  • Property address
  • Owner name
  • Owner address
  • Seller
  • Sale amount
  • Sale date
  • Mortgage amount*
  • Mortgage loan type*
  • Mortgage term*
  • Title company name*
  • Lender name*
  • Assessed value**
  • Land usage
  • Lot Size or Area
  • Square footage

*Only available when searching Deed records

** Only available when searching Assessment records

What is it used for?

The Property Search Report can be used by collections professionals in two ways:

  1. To investigate and locate an individual based on their owned properties
  2. To ascertain the value of properties when collecting unpaid debt

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