The world's definitive source of business benchmarking data.

Track trends, evaluate businesses and plan for the growth with the Integra suit of industry reports, comparative profiling tools and trend analysis coverage.

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Integra Comparative Profiler

Compare your company’s financial statements to its industry benchmarks.

A fast, easy way to compare 3 years of your company’s financial statements with benchmark information from all companies of your type and size.

Learn More About Integra Comparative Profiler

What does it do?

Your Comparative Profiler report includes:

  • Comparative income in dollars
  • Comparative income in percentages
  • Comparative balance sheet in dollars
  • Comparative balance sheet in percentages
  • 20+ comparative financial ratios
  • 9 comparative graphs

What is it used for?

Used by business leaders to evaluate their company’s performance, compare financial rations and analyze the performance of their business against peers.

Integra 3-year and 5-year Industry Reports

Business critical benchmarking data from Integra.

The premiere statistical data resource for establishing business valuations.

Learn More About Integra 3-year and 5-year Industry Reports

What does it do?

Available with 3-year or 5-year benchmarking data, Integra Industry Reports return balance sheets and summary income, assets and liabilities statements including:

3-year Report

  • Eight key financial ratios
  • Four graphs of key operating trends

5-year Report

  • Industry overview summary
  • 60 key financial ratios
  • Detailed income statements and balance sheets
  • Cash flow charts

What is it used for?

Integra Industry Reports are used by leaders and entrepreneurs for developing business plans, defining target industries for products and services and evaluating a vendor’s performance against industry averages.

Integra Industry Growth Outlook

Quick, convenient access to growth history and forecasting by industry.

The Integra Industry Growth Outlook report provides five years of historical data and five years of projected growth rates for a specified industry.

Learn More About Integra Industry Growth Outlook

What does it do?

The Integra Growth Outlook report uses clearly rendered tables, graphs and statistical charts to depict 5-years forecasts of key macro economic indicators including GDP and inflation.

It also provides historical growth performance data including to help illustrate trendlines.

What is it used for?

Executives use the Integra Growth Outlook report for developing business plans, targeting industries for their products and services and for evaluating a vendor’s performance again industry averages.

Integra Quick Trends

Industry performance data at your fingertips.

An informative single-page executive report on the performance of a specified industry over a three-year period.

Learn More About Integra Quick Trends

What does it do?

The Integra Industry Quick Trends Report returns the following industry snapshot:

  • A 3-year summarized income statement
  • A 3-year summarized balance sheet
  • 12 key financial ratios

What is it used for?

Popular among business executives looking to evaluate in industry’s performance, identify recent financial ratios and identify unfolding trends. Archival information dating back to 1998 is available.

Integra Officers Compensation

Easy access to officer compensation information.

A comprehensive report presenting officer’s compensation by industry across 13 annual-sales size ranges.

Learn More About Integra Officers Compensation

What does it do?

The Integra Officer Compensation report returns officer’s compensation in dollars and percentage ranges and can be configured by business counts and annual sales ranges.

Sample sizes are provided for reference.

What is it used for?

Used by executives, boards and business owners to evaluate compensation packages and for forecasting expenditures in business planning.

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