The easiest, most cost-effective way for your business to stay MLA Compliant.

You can now easily and immediately identify whether applicants and current customers are covered by MLA regulations by confirming status against the Department of Defense Manpower Database.

Let MLA Verify help your business succeed.

Talk to one of our customer success agents to get started.

What does it do?

The Military Lending Act (MLA) mandates special requirements for lenders extending credit to active duty military personnel, their family members and dependents, National Guard members, and members of a reserve component of the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps. Intentionally failing to follow these provisions can result in significant fines and possible imprisonment.

MLA Verify can be utilized as a stand-alone report or easily added to a credit report. Additionally, MLA screening can be applied through batch processing to an entire database of candidates. Once identified, military service members and families can then be filtered into a separate group and treated appropriately.

MLA Verify returns:

  • Confirmation of MLA “covered borrower” status.
  • Most recent name and address of record for a submitted applicant.

What is it used for?

MLA Verify is used for quickly identifying whether or not a candidate meets the requirements to be covered under the federal Military Lending Act. MLA Verify is used during the origination process for closed-end short-term loans, payday loans, vehicle title loans, and tax refund anticipation loans, along with other types of credit regulated under the MLA.

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