A convenient and comprehensive search of traditional credit data for collections professionals.

With a single convenient report, you can pull traditional credit bureau data to identify Inquiries, Employment and Address information on an individual consumer.

Let Bank & Debtor Locator help your business succeed.

Talk to one of our customer success agents to get started.

What does it do?

Your Bank & Debtor Locator reports returns the following:

  • Address
  • Employment
  • Banking Inquiries
  • Collection Inquiries
  • Auto Finance Inquiries
  • Trade Line Inquiries
  • Other Financial Inquiries

What is it used for?

Primarily used in support of late-stage, legal collections and recovery, the Bank & Debtor Locator report help collections professionals identify potential consumer banking relationships in support of their recovery efforts. Additional information may also be available about the consumer’s address and/or employment to further enhance skip trace needs.

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