News & Insights

The unbanked are scam targets, too

The unbanked are in fraudsters' crosshairs, with prepaid cards under attack. 

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The risks of loan stacking

Loan stacking is fraught with risks that can backfire for lenders who engage in the practice, even when borrowers pass the underwriting process with flying colors.

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Net neutrality: What it is and what its repeal means to consumers

With net neutrality no longer the law of the land, tabled by the Federal Communications Commission, some consumers are worried that their internet bills will cost more

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Increasing processing precision for same-day ACH payments

Microbilt's payment processing services have a risk verification database that identifies and reduces possible unauthorized and administrative returns for same-day ACH.

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Consumer lending in a gig economy

As more people join the gig economy, consumer lenders need the tools to accurately collect credit data on these individuals.

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Instant Bank Verification for Improved Credit Decisioning

Inflation is the worst it's been in over 40 years; consumer debt across all categories totaled $16.9 trillion - up about $1.3 trillion from 2022; mortgages, auto loans, and credit card delinquencies are on the rise. These daunting statistics don't bode well for lenders who want to feel confident when approving a loan applicant.

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