News & Insights

The new 2015 law for medical debt collection

With the new year comes evolving debt collection laws, and the IRS ended 2014 by issuing reformed medical debt rules. The law affects hospitals' ability to engage in "extraordinary debt collection practices." According to the Green Bay Press

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Tips for making successful collection calls

At one time, when the phone rang, it could have been anyone - friends, family, work or even the local politician calling ahead of an election. However, now with the popularity of caller ID, the mystery and allure of a ringing phone has somewhat

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What are some sources of alternative auto financing?

When consumers decide to buy a new car, they sometimes back themselves into a corner with regard to what financing options they think they have. Many people only know the basics or past strategies that were commonly used. For instance, individuals

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States vary on debt collector licensing

There are various industries in which major players have to hold a license in order to keep their jobs. Everyone from doctors to real estate agents have to be licensed, because it proves that these individuals are well-versed in the laws and

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Emerging trends in alternative financial services

Since the beginning to the Great Recession, alternative financial services have played a major role in a variety of markets and industries, especially considering the widespread tightening of credit among traditional banks and lending institutions.

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Stolen laptops can lead to identity theft

Identity theft is a crime that can effect just about anyone and causes severe damage to consumer credit scores. One of the biggest causes of this crime is stolen laptops, which enables criminals to steal personal information directly from a

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