News & Insights

Financial firms must develop proactive cybersecurity plans

While the threat landscape has evolved during the past several years, the prizes that cybercriminals target have not necessarily changed. For the most part, malicious outsiders are still in it for financial reasons, which should encourage banks

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Tailoring payment tools to B2B retailers

Over the past several years, financial experts have been asserting that mobile and electronic payment channels will see accelerated adoption rates. Although online and smartphone transactions have been on the rise, the use of innovative payment

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Uber to begin offering PayPal mobile payments

Uber provides car services for consumers in many parts of the United States, and with eBay buying its transaction processing company - Braintree - PayPal mobile payments are now being implemented. Riders in the U.S., France, Germany, Italy

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Subprime auto loans becoming a quality source of business for lenders

Subprime loan activity has been increasing in the American auto finance sector. Although some lenders may be cautious of this type of credit extension, many experts believe subprime lending in the current market is not as risky as some believe.

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Why do people borrow?

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of undeserved negative focus on the short term lending industry. This means of alternative finance has been brought through the ringer by government officials, consumer groups, media outlets and

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Debt collection industry can improve success rate through data analysis

Increasingly, decision-makers are turning to data analytics to inform their business decisions. The benefits are well-known throughout most industries and one of the major impediments to implementing it is the difficulty associated with improving

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