News & Insights

Business Valuation: What it Is and Why it Matters

A business valuation is an essential tool prospective buyers use to determine if they are interested in purchasing a business. Ultimately, it offers a big picture “snapshot” of the owner’s interest in a business. It is a tool many buyers use to help them determine how much they are willing to pay for your business.

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Alert: Fraudulent Activity! How ACH Fraud Detection Can Help

As technology continues to revolutionize how businesses handle their finances, electronic transactions have become an integral part of the financial landscape. Hundreds of thousands of dollars can be transferred from one account to the next through the click of a button.

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The Importance of Digital Lending as Pandemic Continues

Essentially, digital lending is making use of online technology to either originate or renew loans. The digital route works for personal lending as well as SME lending and helps to make the application and renewal process more convenient for customers.

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Alternative Consumer Credit Data Plays an Important Role in Financing

The year 2020 is one that will live on in infamy long after the chaos of global pandemic and the financial fallout of a nation shutting down for several months have passed. We’ve learned a lot during that time, including the importance of alternative consumer credit data for painting a clearer picture of someone’s “creditworthiness.”

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How Long Does a Background Check Take?

A regular part of running a safe and secure business nowadays is performing a background check. Employers, landlords, banks, transportation companies, and numerous other organizations conduct routine screenings before signing contracts or doing business to protect themselves from individuals who may not be the person they appear to be.

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The importance of Alternative Consumer Credit Data for lenders

Alternative consumer credit data offers information about consumers, specifically credit applicants, that does not appear on traditional credit reports.

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