News & Insights

How To Identify High-Risk Businesses

Identifying a high-risk business is as simple as understanding your industry and how payments are processed through your website.

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10 Most Common Landlord Legal Pitfalls - And How to Avoid Them

The current pandemic has left many landlords in uneasy positions across the country.

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Conducting Google, Social Media background searches on job applicants

Finding the right person for the job is always challenging. Not only must you find applicants with the proper credentials, but you also need to identify those who will work well with the rest of the team. COVID-19 has made this task more difficult.

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The Increasing Importance of Identity Verification for Employees (New and Existing)

Not only do you want to hire the person you believe you are employing, along with their experience and credentials, you also want to protect your employees, customers, and reputation.

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Importance of implementing a tenant screening process

As property owners scope out renters, it is vital to their business that they implement a tenant screening process to ensure potential tenants are qualified to rent a space.

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What the 2008 crisis can teach us about debt collection post-COVID

The restrictions put into place to alleviate the health crisis have lasted a lot longer than initially believed.

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